Welcome to Davos
Biofabrication is revolutionizing the ability to produce biological constructs with controlled architecture and properties. The impressive rate of progress achieved in bioprinting and other biofabrication methods has established these techniques as mainstream approaches in musculoskeletal 3D in vitro model development, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine. Therefore, we are excited to introduce Biofabrication as a topic at the ARI Orthopaedic conference. The program, including the topics of biofabrication processes, their application in the clinics, tissue models, session on specific musculoskeletal tissues, and emerging technologies will foster mutual exchange of ideas and concepts from different fields. Prominent invited speakers and selected submitted contributions will illustrate the latest innovations and challenges in the field.
Participants will gain increased understanding of the topic and unique opportunities to connect with old and new colleagues in the beautiful scenery offered by the Swiss Alps.
In 2025, the ARI Orthopaedics Conference will be hosted in conjunction with EORS2025 and CAOS2025 at the AO Orthopaedic Research Summit, facilitating even more networking and collaborative opportunities for researchers and clinicians, so please visit their websites for more information EORS2025 and CAOS2025.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Davos next June 16th to 20th at the AO Orthopaedic Research summit and the ARI Orthopaedic conference!

Dr. Matteo D’Este, Dr Tiziano Serra, Dr. Jacek Wychowaniec, Dr. Alessando Cianciosi
In 2025, the ARI Orthopaedics Conference will be hosted in conjunction with EORS2025 and CAOS2025 at the AO Orthopaedic Research Summit. This Provides an exciting opportunity to be an exhibitor at three parallel meetings. Download the Sponsor Brochure for more details. If you would be interested in sponsorship opportunies please contact the Conference Secretariat. ARI Orthopaedics is in collaboration with AO Trauma
Orthopaedics covers the musculoskeletal field including trauma, cranio-maxillofacial and spine of humans and animals. The main focus is the preclinical research field, including the field of tissue engineering & regenerative medicine. Our Logo is based on several aspects. The animal within the logo (Steinbock, (German) Capricorn or Ibex, (English)) is from within the Graubünden (Grison) flag, form our canton where AO Research Institute Davos (ARI) is based. The "rock" below it is based upon integrated bone trabeculae within a biomaterial.